Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Treatment Techniques

At Proliance Sports Therapy we believe one of our primary responsibilities is to educate you about your injury. We make sure our patients understand what structures are involved, how long they take to heal, when you should expect to be back to your activities, and answer any other pressing questions you may have. Our goal is to empower you and give you control of your injury, your body, and ultimately your function.
Therapeutic Techniques
We have a large staff with a wide variety and depth of experience which allows us to treat nearly every condition and utilize a vast array of techniques to do so; these might include, but are not limited to:
- Stretching
- Strengthening
- Home Exercise Program
- Custom Foot Orthotics
- Postural Education
- Ergonomics
- Core stabilization
- Strain Counter Strain
- Joint Mobilization
- Muscle Energy Techniques
- Myofascial Release
- Instrumented Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
- Graston
- Kinesiotaping
- McConnell Taping
- Vestibular Rehab
- Blood Flow Restriction
- Alter G- Anti Gravity Treadmill at the Bellevue location
- Gait Evaluation and Training
- Sport Specific Training
- Return to Sport Evaluations
- Prehab prior to surgery
Modalities are therapeutic agents that aid in the healing of injuries and reduce discomfort. Some that we commonly incorporate in treatment are listed below. Your Therapist will determine if these are right for your condition:
- Electrical Stimulation
- Ultrasound
- Moist heat
- Cold Therapy
- Iontophoresis
- Biofeedback
Home Exercise Program (HEP)
We work with our patients to create a Home Exercise Program that will aid in your healing process. These exercises are different than what you experience in-clinic at your appointment with your Therapist, yet extremely important to your recovery.